Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pros and Cons

For my own mental processing, here is a list of pros and cons of staying at my school for another year.

1. My kids. They are the only reason that I'm happy to go to work in the morning.
2. There won't be any adjustment period in September.  I won't have to learn 300 new names, new learning or behavioral issues, or new coworker idiosyncrasies.
3. I'll actually be able to create relationships with these kids that last longer than 9 months.
4. It's high school!!!
5. My BEDA coordinator just happens to be my only friend on staff.  It's a sweet deal when your only friend is the one person you have to report to.
6. When I go home this summer, I'll know exactly what trinkets and novelty American things to buy for the kids because I know their age group and personalities. I'll also be able to buy supplies that I can actually use!
7. I have a Spain...that gives me legal documentation...and HEALTH INSURANCE.

1. Coworker issues
2. Coworker issues
3. Did I mention coworker issues?
4. Also, the stupidity, inefficiency, and bureaucracy of the BEDA Program...but requesting a different school or even getting a different job won't change that.

Honestly though, who are we kidding? The only reason I'm staying is because my kids' awesome-ness outweighs all the other crap that comes along with working at this school.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Il dolce far niente

This clip sums up the difference between North American and Mediterranean cultures better than I've ever seen in any movie.