So here are some things that I've come to realize are "American"....
1. Children who respect their elders / teachers
2. Patience when waiting in long lines or going through airport security
3. Accepting others regardless of race or religion
4. Going out into the world on your own immediately after graduating from college
OF COURSE, these are GENERALIZATIONS. There are Spaniards who do all four of these things and there are Americans who don't know how to do any of these things. I've just come to realize how American I am in the last 4 months, and how I will never be and should never try to be Spanish. Someone equated what I'm doing in Spain to studying abroad, when actually that couldn't be farther from the truth. When you study abroad you don't have to pass your courses, you just have to "complete" them. You have a support group of peers who are all American, and you have professors and teachers guiding you through the transition process. As for me....I'm the only American person in my town....there is no one here guiding me through the ins-and-outs of Spanish culture, and I have to actually pay bills and rent and provide for myself. Although it might not be a Monday through Friday 9-5 job, its still a job.

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