Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Working at CEIP Las Castañeras

I suppose its time to talk about the reason I'm actually in Spain for the year.  A few years ago, the Spanish Ministry of Education organized a program called "North American Language and Culture Assistants" in an effort to make the next generation of Spaniards bilingual and more culturally aware.  My official title as a participant in the program is Auxiliar de Conversación, and I work with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade English and Science classes. 

Even though my school, CEIP Las Castañeras, has been part of the bilingual education program for 6 years, my exact role is a bit blurry.  Depending on the mood of the classroom teacher and the ADD of the kids that day, I can be put to work as:

-teacher's aide
-actual teacher
-test grader
-a real life "Listen & Read" CD track
-a 1-on-2 tutor for the incredibly difficult end of term Cambridge Exams

The days when I'm sent off to make photocopies or grade tests are really hard to take.  Do they not see the word "conversación" in my job?  The state is not so big on the kids being able to write and read in perfect English, but rather more on improving their speaking and comprehension skills.  How can I help them if I'm off in another room?  The times when I can make rounds in the classroom while they do an activity, play a game with the class, or teach them a new lesson are great!  The kids need to interact with a native English speaker at least 5 days a week if they're ever to improve...or else they'll just learn the heavily accented (and sometimes incorrect) English that the teachers speak.  

My 2010-2011 schedule

There are 3 other auxiliares at my school; an American girl, a Canadian guy, and a British girl.  They all live in Madrid and have to take the metro and bus to and from Arroyomolinos.  Most of the moms in town that want clases particulares de inglés for their kids would prefer someone who lives in town...that's me!  Right now, I'm tutoring 5 students from Las Castañeras: one third grade boy, two third grade twin girls, and two second grade twin boys.  My Tues/Thurs classes with the twin girls will soon include their friend...bringing my total to 6 kids. 

My Colombian roommate Iovana and her amigo are also interested in improving their English, so we're going to set up a once a week intercambio in the evenings (because they are both in their early-30s and get home from work later than I do). 

So there you have it...a long-winded explanation of my job in Spain!

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