Friday, November 4, 2011

A, E, I, O, U

Today, my coordinator (the teacher I split my classes with) had to go to a meeting/conference in Madrid for English teachers in the BEDA program.  I was still able to split the classes for 1st-4th period because our prácticas student, Marta, is always with us in the mornings.  The kids weren't any worse than usual, but it probably didn't help that it was a Friday and we had 2°C and 2°D (the two craziest classes in primer ciclo).  The only thing I could think was, "Joder....I'm going to have all 27 kids in my 5th and 6th period, on a Friday afternoon, and they know the English teacher and the prácticas  teacher are both gone." 

My fifth period was with 2°A, the only class in primer ciclo with a tutora under the age of 40.  She is the sweetest woman!  Whenever a class isn't listening to me, my default move is to drop everything I'm doing and wait in silence with the stare.  Usually, one of the bossy know-it-alls will say, "Que os callais!!!!" but this time it was little Angel in the back row that said, "Que nos ha dicho Nuria??? Que hagamos caso a Niki!"  Apparently, the tutora told them before lunch that I was going to be coming alone and they had to behave for me.  It was so cute, I almost smiled...almost.  I had to keep up the tough guy facade.

At the end of the class, we were listening/singing the A,E,I,O,U song in the English book.  There were five students haciendo el tonto big time.  When the song finished, I called all five of their names and said, "Congratulations, you five get to come up front and sing the song alone because you weren't singing with the rest of the class!"  I put on the song and the three attention-craving class clowns were complete bobos once again.  The song finished.  I let the other two sit back down and said, "Again, we can stay here all day until you behave and sing the song properly." For the last time, I put on the song, and the three boys started singing.  It was so out of tune, off-beat, and generally horrible that all 27 kids started hysterically laughing.  I couldn't help it....I cracked.  It was actually funny.  I started singing with them and trying to cover up the fact that I was genuinely laughing, but I couldn't.  

Most days it's important to show your students discipline and sternness so they respect you and don't think you have no wasn't one of those days.  Sometimes it's important to just laugh and sing an A,E,I,O,U song about wild animals with the worst 3 kids in class.  We can't be humorless all the time, right?

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