Monday, September 27, 2010

9 amazing/scary/interesting cosas that happened ayer

Plaza de Oriente
 1.  As I was waiting at the bus stop outside my apartment complex, a Spanish man and woman pulled their car over to ask me for directions.

2. I was sitting on a bench in the Plaza de Oriente in Madrid, enjoying a Sprite and taking a rest from my touristy walkabout, when a homeless/possibly crazy woman decided to attack a couple and try to steal the woman's purse.  The woman's husband started yelling and performed a citizen's arrest (a.k.a. grabbed the lady by her wrists and fought with her) until the other people in the plaza could get the attention of the police in a squad car outside the Royal Palace.


3. I was taking some pictures of the statue in the Plaza de Espana, near an empty stage set up with some kids playing with a bouncy ball.  They lost the ball and it rolled all the way towards me.  (Using my cat-like reflexes) I caught it as it rolled off the stage and returned it to them.

Peanut buttaaaa!

4. At the Templo de Debod, 3 Muslim guys from London tried to get me to go out dancing with them....umm, no.

5. Saw way too many homeless people and went down way too many side streets by myself.

6. Shelled out $5.17 US for a jar of peanut butter at El Corte Ingles...desperate times call for desperate measures.

7. Ate dinner by myself in a restuarant on the Gran Via.

Templo de Debod

8. Watched the sunset at the Templo de Debod (I was lost and wound up back where I started, so it seemed convenient enough.)

 9. Heard the Spongebob Squarepants theme song play throughout a grocery store.

1 comment:

  1. quiiiiiiiiiiiien vive en una piña al fondo del mar? bob esponja! learn to love it...your kids will love it if my 31-year-old boyfriend does!
