Thursday, December 2, 2010

Futbol, Jump Rope, and Pancakes

I never understood the appeal of Cristiano Ronaldo until last Monday. 

I've never in my life sat through an entire sporting event from start to finish, but I decided that I had to watch the Real Madrid - Barca game on Monday night if I wanted the full Spanish experience.  For those of you that don't know how intense the rivalry between these two teams is: click here to read about "El Clasico" rivalry.  My roommates, some of their brothers and sisters, and I all watched the whole depressing game in our living room on Monday.  Real Madrid lost was the fifth straight time in a row that Barca beat Real Madrid, but as Carlos told me within 24 hours of moving to Arroyomolinos, I have no choice and I have to be Real Madrid.  I must admit, it wasn't as awful as I thought it would be.  The futbolistas may be chulos and egoistas off the field, but when you see them in their element with more passion than I ever thought was possible to have for something on the a girl, its not unpleasant to watch.

(Insert smooth transition here)

I had a made-for-TV-movie moment today during recreo.  I had a quick merienda with the teachers in the comedor and was making my way back to the office to print something when I was distracted by the jump roping crowd that had formed on the patio.  Maria Angeles (the 1°A / 2°A teacher) and one of the 2nd grade girls were turning the rope while a huge crowd of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders were taking turns trying to jump in.  I stopped to talk to some of the kids and watch them try (and mostly fail) at jumping in...and before I knew it, I was holding hands with Elena from 1°A to help her jump in.  Then, of course, every third grade girl in my vicinity wanted me to jump rope with them...but I didn't go in again until Yolanda (the 1°B / 2°B teacher) was convinced to go in as well....only because 50 kids chanting "TEACHER! TEACHER! TEACHER!" are pretty persuasive.  The past two days have been so great with the kids.  On the way back in from recess Nora told me, "Niki, today has been my favorite day."

After school, the level of mom-ness from Andrea & Alba's mom hit an all-time ridiculous high.  I was about an hour into our clase particular when she came into the dining room with a fork, knife, napkin, and plate for me.  She had made pancakes with whipped cream and chocolate sauce and brought me two.  I couldnt stop laughing....seriously??? I tried to get the girls to take a bite because I feel so imperial eating in front of them while they have to study, but they refused! They said, "No, no we'll have some for merienda after you leave."

(Inster smooth conclusion here)

1 comment:

  1. My sister will be so excited you watched that match! Crispy is her soul mate!

    This is Alicia, btw.
