Monday, December 6, 2010

"This is my december / these are my snow covered dreams"

This weekend in Spain is a puente!  We have a 5-day weekend because two national holidays fall on Monday and Wednesday (and in true Spanish form, they give us Tuesday off as well).  December 6th is the Día de la Constitución and celebrates the complete democratic restoration of Spain in 1978.  Franco died in 1975, but the country had to go through 3 years of democratic transition until their constitution was finalized.  December 8th is the Feast of the Inmaculada Concepción (apparently Mary was concieved on Dec 8th). 

I'm spending the puente relaxing at home in Madrid because my winter break is going to be non-stop.  I'm visiting Muriel in France (Dec 23 - Dec 27), I have Jenn visiting me in Spain (Dec 27 - Jan 4), and I'm venturing off by myself to Rome (Jan 5 - Jan 8), before returning to work on Jan 11.  Dangers of sitting at home and relaxing : melancolía...especially when this song decides to come up on my iPod while on shuffle Winter Song - Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson.

the lake at Retiro Park on Sunday

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